Customers Support

24-Hour Emergency Response Services & Crisis Resolution.
We provide 24 hour emergency services so you can count on us to be there, and crisis resolution to offer management and support to individuals experiencing a crisis. Call our hot line anytime at ( 864 ) 918-2257 Total Fire Protection we are one phone call away..
For all other customer sevice issues please call our office at ( 864 ) 421-9293 Monday -- Friday between 9.00AM to 5.00PM, thank you.

Fire Sprinkler System
Specialized Training
Fire Systems Service and Maintenance
Special Hazard Systems
Testing Backflow Assembly
Testing and Repair
Fire Hose Analysis
Code Assessment
OSHA Compliance
NFPA Regulations
Contact Total Fire Protection, Inc.
We look forward to the opportunity to assist you with any of your fire sprinkler system or design needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q?How Do Fire Sprinklers Stop Death

The biggest cause of fire related deaths is from smoke inhalation. Even in homes with smoke alarms, there is still an average of 70 deaths per year. Home Sprinklers wash the larger particles out of smoke, reducing its density and toxicity. The water also cools the smoke, making it less harmful.

Due to the fast response of modern sprinkler systems, they will attack a fire early in its growth. This dramatically reduces the amount of smoke created.

Q?How Reliable Are Sprinkler Systems Compared To Other Forms Of Fire Protection?


The chances of a sprinkler head failing are estimated at 1 in 500,000. All research into the effectiveness of fire sprinklers clearly shows them to be the best method of control available.

Remember, sprinklers not only detect the fire, they control or extinguish it. Sprinklers are the only system that can give you complete peace of mind.

Q?What Are The Costs Of Installing A Sprinkler System?


Naturally the costs vary per installation. Specific prices depend upon the building type and construction, its water supply, and the degree of hazard of occupation. An inadequate water supply will increase the costs. Retrofit installations into existing buildings can be a bit more expensive. More importantly, a sprinkler system quickly pays for itself in reduced insurance and liability.

A fire sprinkler is also an investment - in the safety of what you value most - your family and your home. You can also expect to get a discount on your insurance premium - typically in the range of 15% for home installations.

Q?Can Sprinkler Systems Be Installed So As To Be Unobtrusive?

Modern sprinkler systems can be installed flush with walls or ceilings with only 1/4 "  to 3/4" below the ceiling line. Some sprinklers can even be concealed. Residential fire sprinklers are so small that you have to point them out for people to notice them. They are far, far smaller than the average smoke detector. All residential models come in colours to match popular ceiling and wall colours.

Inspection and Testing

Hands Free Service and testing

To ensure their reliability, fire sprinkler systems must be inspected, tested and maintained in accordance with the requirements of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), your local Authority and your insurance company. Each year,Total Fire Protection will perform inspections on new and existing systems to determine compliance with fire codes, insurance requirements and client needs. These inspections assure optimum system operation, response times, and proper operation of the fire sprinkler systems.

Fire System Inspection Intervals:

  • Quarterly Fire sprinkler inspection
  • Semi-annual inspection
  • Annual inspection
  • 3 year inspection
  • 5 year inspection
  • 10 year inspection

* These programs includes logging and retention of relevant records.


TFP Service Areas


Service Area Map

*Protecting your property and people.

Properly installed and maintained automatic fire sprinkler systems help save lives. Because fire sprinkler systems react so quickly, they can dramatically reduce the heat, flames, and smoke produced in a fire. Fire sprinklers have been around for more than a century, protecting commercial and industrial properties and public buildings. What most people don't realize is that the same life-saving technology is also available for homes, where roughly 85% of all civilian fire deaths occur.

Service & Maintenance

Service and Maintenance Fire Sprinkler systems and other fire protection

At some point in time, all fire sprinkler systems and equipment require maintenance or service. Moving parts wear, or maybe you're planning to expand or renovate an existing space. These are just a few examples of when our skilled fire sprinkler maintenance technicians can provide superior service to perform routine maintenance or renovation projects..


Often the need for service comes unexpectedly, negatively impacting your business in the middle of the day or night. Total Fire Protection trained maintenance technicians can respond to your emergency 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year round to get your fire protection system up and running with the least disruption to your operation.